
How To Make Friends On Goodreads

Whether you write it yourself or employ the help of a ghostwriter, creating a book is a pregnant achievement, and information technology'south easy to breathe a sigh of relief once y'all've released your title into the wild.

However, the hard work doesn't cease just because you've completed the project'southward publishing portion. How does GoodReads piece of work?

These nine easy tips volition assist yous harness the powers of GoodReads to maximize your book'south success!

What Is GoodReads?

GoodReads is a book-axial social media platform that lets readers review books and collaborate with other users.

The site launched in 2007, and since and so, has developed a robust author platform. Utilizing the author side of GoodReads will give yous huge benefits in promoting your book and reaching readers.

Account Cosmos

Become started with GoodReads by creating your account! On the GoodReads homepage, you tin can create a costless account using your email address or link your Google, Amazon, or Apple accounts.

Goodreads account

You can fifty-fifty create an business relationship by connecting your social media platforms, like Facebook or Twitter. Y'all annals for GoodReads this mode for convenience, so you have one less password to retrieve.

You should consider how linking those accounts allows y'all to share your GoodReads progress and reviews on your personal social media pages. Sharing your account on other platforms is a bully style to get noticed!

Since GoodReads is a platform for readers, brand certain you add together books you've read to your business relationship! You lot don't desire people to come to an empty page and know you're just there to promote your own work.

Reviewing your favorite books volition help other fans of those books observe you. Your reviews will show up on the volume's page, and readers tin can click on your review and contour and come across your profile organically.

Author Page

An author page on GoodReads is kind of like having a Facebook folio, except you lot know y'all're going to exist reaching book lovers at the source. Once you're created your personal page and reviewed some books, you tin can claim your author page.

Discover your book in their database, roll to the bottom of the data page, and click "Is this you? Let us know!"

If your book isn't in the database, never fear! You can submit information technology yourself by filling out a form with all of the publication data.

GoodReads volition verify that you're the author of the book you're claiming and then grant you lot an author folio and a GoodReads Author badge.

Fill out your profile and add together your author photo so readers tin follow you and get notifications of all the updates you mail service.

How GoodReads Works (For You as an Author)


GoodReads has a absurd department called Listopia, where users can create lists and vote to rank the titles. You tin tag your volume, then it will come up as an choice to include on lists. Having your book on Listopia will help interested readers find information technology organically.

Anyone tin can create a listing, but first, do a piddling enquiry and see if the perfect list for your book already exists. You lot tin can create a "Immature Adult Sci-Fi Romance" list, just if a similar ane already exists, the lists will merge, and your book might go bumped off in the process! Information technology helps to be creative but not obscure with your list naming.

When y'all observe a list that fits your book'south topic, click "Add Books to This List" at the summit. Search for your book title and so click "Vote for This Book" to submit it!

Now you can sit back and see how other users vote on your book. You don't demand to whip out your sales pitch to become votes; just let it happen organically! This is a passive fashion to get your book out in the GoodReads universe.

It'south important not to push your book as well hard because Listopia isn't actually a promotional portion of GoodReads. Having your book on lists will help potential readers find it, only if GoodReads thinks you're trying to sell it, they'll take it off the listing.


Targeted ads on goodreads

GoodReads has a targeted advertizing platform, much similar Facebook. If you run an ad on GoodReads, yous can select who you want to target. You lot might choose to focus on readers who like books in the same genre as yours. You tin can also spotlight people who similar authors that are similar to you.

You tin can even choose to focus on people who accept read your other books or who have added your book to their "Desire to Read" shelf. This is an constructive pick because yous know these readers are interested in you, merely they might non be aware that you have a new release.

Ads cost about $0.xv a click, just since you lot're on a platform where y'all know users are going to buy books, it's worth the investment.


GoodReads giveaways are a swell manner to pulsate up hype for your book while getting information technology into the hands of interested readers. When someone enters a giveaway for your book, it volition automatically be added to their "Want to Read" shelf, so even if they don't win the giveaway, the book will notwithstanding be on their shelf.

For a giveaway, you lot can requite away any number of books, and y'all can cull to give away physical copies or ebooks. If you give away physical copies, yous'll have to add in the cost of aircraft and brand sure information technology'due south affordable.

Some authors limit their giveaways to their dwelling continents to continue from spending as well much on shipping, but y'all might desire to have no restrictions in gild to get your volume out into the world!

When your GoodReads giveaway ends, consider sending a message to everyone who entered so you're reaching out and making a special connection with them.

Q&A Discussions

There are two unlike options to optimize Q&As on GoodReads. On your writer folio, there is an option for anyone to inquire you a question. Pro tip: y'all tin can fifty-fifty enquire yourself questions you recollect volition help pulsate up engagement!

As well having the Q&A posted on your author folio, you can also host a Q&A Discussion Group near your volume. You'll create a "GoodReads Author" group from your author page and selection a date and time you'll be bachelor to answer questions.

Yous can start a thread with the topic of questions you'll answer, and one time people join, the group will gain popularity in the GoodReads customs. When your Q&A is finished, you tin can submit it to be featured in the GoodReads newsletter.

Connect a Blog

If you lot already have a blog started, you tin link it to your GoodReads Author Page, and the platform will automatically share all of your new posts!

Blog posts will be shared on your author folio, and any fans who follow you will get a notification when there's a new post to read. GoodReads as well emails your fans once a week.

And if you don't take a web log started however—what are you waiting for?

Having a blog is a great marketing tool! Followers tin can read your posts and get an idea of your personality and writing style and will exist drawn to your books.

Ask for Reviews

Remember how of import it was to review books as before long as you started your personal GoodReads account? Certain, you don't desire readers to come up to an empty contour and leave without looking around, merely it's also so others will desire to review your book!

It might seem intimidating to ask fans and followers for reviews, but it pays off. GoodReads will feature books based on the number of reviews, so you want every bit many as you tin get! The number is more important than what the reviews say, so don't be agape of less-than-stellar ratings.

Having many reviews will make your book look popular, and so more readers will be interested in giving it a try. Consider finding other authors who need a heave and read and review their volume, and they'll exist more inclined to help you out!

Promote Events

Similar to how you tin can use GoodReads to share blog posts, you lot can besides employ information technology to promote events. GoodReads doesn't host the consequence on their own platform, and then y'all'll apply it more as a promotional tool. Whether these events are online or in-person, you lot tin share them on your writer page so fans can come across them and join in.

On your writer page, roll to "Upcoming Events" and click "Add together an Event." You tin schedule a book release, a book tour, a reading, special sales, and more. You'll have space to enter what type of upshot it is and share a short clarification so attendees will know what to expect. List your events publicly so everyone can find and attend, and invite all of your GoodReads friends!

Making GoodReads Work for Yous FAQs

Goodreads FAQ

You've learned many actionable means to brand GoodReads work for you as an writer. You can promote your book, connect with readers, and share your blog posts. You tin create events that fans can add to their calendars, and you tin can add together your book to lists and so potential readers will notice your title.

That's a lot you can do with 1 unproblematic platform! Make sure you're using GoodReads to its fullest potential.

How do you become on GoodReads?

Y'all tin create a free account on GoodReads using your email or by linking other social media accounts. Once you take a basic account, you can upgrade it to an author page for no fee. Discover your published volume in the database, claim it, and get that verified author bluecoat!

What is GoodReads and how does it work?

GoodReads is a social media platform for volume lovers. Readers tin rate and review their favorite books. Beyond that, GoodReads offers a robust writer platform so you can share your blog posts, promote events, and even sponsor a GoodReads giveaway!

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