
Kingdom Hearts Dive To The Heart

The Dive to the Heart is a unique realm that oft is featured in the Kingdom Hearts series. The Dive to the Eye is composed of several enormous, illuminated stained-glass pillars known as "Stations", rising from unseen depths. Each Station has a unique shade, depicts a specific set of characters, and has its ain specific part in the tutorial. It is framed as a world within a dream, and its nature as the dreamer's centre is reinforced by the background music, the gameplay tutorial, and the strange fashion of speaking used past those within information technology (a mode also used past the remembered characters of Chain of Memories). Nonetheless, the events that occur within it have a real effect on the waking globe, and in two instances they are actually observed past exterior forces.[1]

In terms of gameplay, the purpose of the Dive to the Middle is to serve every bit a tutorial level, where the player will acquire the controls of the game, cull how their graphic symbol volition grow, and fight their first dominate. The thespian is guided through the Dive to the Heart by an inaudible, unseen "vocalization", whose identity is uncertain. To reinforce the dreamlike setting of the Dive to the Middle, Sora, Roxas, and Ventus each reach it by falling into an ocean. However, instead of drowning they detect that they tin can breathe, and land upon an ocean floor which erupts into doves, revealing the Dive to the Heart.


Kingdom Hearts

In Sora's dream, he falls from the sky into the sea below with his eyes closed and slowly descends onto the ground with abyss surrounding him. As he steps into the ground, the darkness below his feet starts to transform into birds and fly abroad, showing a radiant calorie-free that slowly forms into a circumvolve. Each of the Stations in his later Dive to the Heart illustrates one or more of the Princesses of Heart, equally well as the characters related to them. The 4 that are clearly depicted are asleep, possibly signifying their asleep land in Hollow Breastwork.

  • The first colonnade, shaded green, depicts Snow White, the Seven Dwarfs, the forest animals, and The Queen in her hag form. While Snowfall White is asleep, all the other characters are depicted as awake.
  • The 2d pillar, shaded violet, depicts a sleeping Cinderella, the castle, one of the mice turned horses, the pumpkin chariot, silhouettes of her and the prince dancing together, and the glass slipper.
  • The third pillar, shaded pinkish, depicts three princess silhouettes, representing the three free Princesses of Heart, Alice, Jasmine, and Kairi.
  • The fourth pillar, shaded red, depicts a sleeping Aurora holding a rose, surrounded by thorns and silhouettes of Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, and the silhouette Maleficent makes when vanishing into green fire. This Station is named Awakening.
  • The final colonnade, shaded yellow, depicts Belle, the Beast, his servants and the rose with its petals at the bottom.

On the first pillar, Sora is asked to walk, and then is shown three weapons, which influence his path: the Dream Sword, the Dream Shield, and the Dream Rod. He is directed to cull one and discard another, and his pick determines his specialty, initial stats, and ability growth throughout the game. Afterwards choosing, the Station shatters and Sora falls to the second pillar, where he first encounters Shadows, and is taught about battling and its rewards.

The Station then sinks into darkness, and Sora awakens on the third pillar, where he is taught how to examine and collaborate with objects. By opening a treasure chest, moving a crate, and destroying a barrel, he materializes a door that leads to a dream version of Destiny Islands, where Sora meets facsimiles of his friends, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie, which ask him enigmatic questions that determine how he gains experience throughout the game.

On the fourth colonnade, Sora is again attacked past Shadows, but after defeating them the commencement Relieve Bespeak is revealed, too as floating steps to the terminal pillar. However, the steps vanish equally he climbs them, trapping him on the fifth pillar. Every bit he approaches a strange low-cal, his shadow grows and becomes his Darkside; though he fights it, its darkness swallows him, and he reawakens on the Destiny Islands.

The door reappears, this time on Destiny Islands, when the island is attacked by the Heartless, revealing that information technology is in fact the world'south Keyhole. Information technology reappears a final time with the fake Destiny Islands at the Concluding Rest within End of the Earth, but this time contains the concluding confrontation with Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and Kingdom Hearts itself.

Interestingly, the society of the the stations of the first three sleeping Princesses reflects the order that Ventus visits their respective worlds in Bbs.

Kingdom Hearts II

On the third solar day of his story, Roxas encounters a Dusk in the Sandlot and is sucked into his Dive to the Middle. Similar Sora'south, Roxas's Dive to the Heart consists of five stained drinking glass pillars, only each of these depict the same image of Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald Duck, and Goofy at the Destiny Islands, and the pillars are divided between just iii Stations. Sora'southward eyes are closed, showing that he is comatose, while Kairi and Riku'due south are open, showing that they are awake; strangely, Donald and Goofy's eyes are however open, even though they are asleep besides.

Roxas awakens on the Station of Serenity where he chooses between the Dream Sword, Dream Shield, and Dream Rod. While this choice determines the order in which he learns abilities equally earlier, the weapon he chooses is immediately transformed into the Kingdom Key (This is different than in the original Kingdom Hearts Dive to the Heart equally he does not take to give anything upwardly in exchange for his weapon). He goes through a door to the Station of Calling, consisting of iii pillars shaded blue, green, and red and connected by floating stairs.

Here, he encounters Dusks and learns about Reaction Commands and treasures. Going through another door, he enters theStation of Awakening, and finds an bogeyman of himself in his black coat which before long becomes his Twilight Thorn. Like to Sora's Swoop to the Heart, later on defeating the Twilight Thorn, Roxas and his Swoop to the Heart are consumed past darkness, simply unlike Sora, Roxas is rescued by Naminé at the last minute.

Much after, as Sora approaches Memory's Skyscraper, Roxas reawakens inside him and takes him to the Station of Awakening, where they battle and come to peace with each other. This loonshit is replicated in the Garden of Assemblage for the fight against Roxas's Replica Information.


Sora encounters a hooded figure in Re:coded

Data-Sora manifests in a digital version of the Dive to the Heart that is virtually the aforementioned as the existent Sora'south dive. He spots Data-Roxas, just does not recognize him before he disappears, and later mistakes him for Information-Riku. Sora is given the choice to choose between the Dream Sword, Dream Shield, or Dream Rod and which one he is willing to forfeit.

Doing this besides effects the starting commands Data-Sora begins with. All the same, due to Fleck and Dale's reprogramming, the Dream weapons immediately change into the Keyblade, as in Roxas's dive. After fighting off an ambush by a swarm of Shadows, Data-Sora enters the same door that Sora did in his ain dive, but this door leads directly to a data Destiny Islands, rather than a dream version.

Matrimony χ

Dive to the Heart KHUX.png

DuringMarriage χ the Histrion will see the Dive to the Heart when they first join a Marriage at the showtime of the game and whenever they decide to modify Unions. Whenever the thespian does decide to bring together another Union, they'll demand to go out their party if they are in ane. The cost of transferring Unions volition be 100 Jewels and your Lux count will reset to 0, another alert the game volition give you is that you cannot transfer Unions the day before rankings are disclosed.

Birth by Sleep

Chronologically, Ventus's Dive to the Heart, here named "Ventus's Mind", is the outset to exist seen, appearing incomplete due to his broken heart. It is here that Ventus comes in contact with the newborn Sora'southward heart, and his Station is restored. Ventus does not return to the Swoop to the Heart until he involuntarily fuses with Vanitas, his colonnade changing advent with the sudden presence of darkness in his heart, and is renamed Soul Globe.

Ventus'southward Station is quite similar to Roxas's, but features a sleeping Ventus, without his Wayward Wind, at the Keyblade Graveyard, rather than Sora, with his Kingdom Key, at the Destiny Islands. The inner circle of emblems, which usually contains images of the sleeper's loved ones, only contains a stylized Fleur-de-lis, which also appears on the edges of the pillar. When Ventus is fused with Vanitas, Ventus's Station is modified - Vanitas himself now appears opposite Ventus, and both have their Keyblades.

Half of the outer ring of symbols is replaced with the Unversed emblem, while the other half is replaced with the Marker of Mastery emblem. The field of the Keyblade Graveyard is now filled with the abandoned Keyblades. The inner circle of emblems is replaced with silhouettes of Keychains for the χ-blade, the Wayward Air current, and the Void Gear. Subsequently Ven defeats Vanitas, his station changes to a grade similar to its original appearance, with some modifications. Ventus is now holding the Wayward Wind and wearing both his Keyblade Armor pauldron and his argent Marker of Mastery charm, while the outer circle of emblems is filled with the Mark of Mastery keepsake and the inner circle of emblems is filled with his friends' Wayfinders, signifying that he has regained control of his completed heart.

Afterward Ventus'south body is placed inside the Chamber of Waking, his middle connects with that of a young Sora, who appears in his ain Dive to the Heart, named "Sora's Mind". His Station displays the mural of Destiny Islands on the bottom, with Paopu Fruits and different elements found on or around the island encircled separately on the top.

Dream Drop Distance

After succumbing to the deepest slumber of darkness, Sora's consciousness arrives at his own station. Ventus' heart follows him, giving Sora Ventus' Keyblade Armor to protect him from the darkness. However, past the fourth dimension Riku dives into Sora'southward middle to wake him from his sleep, the armor is converted into a Nightmare that Riku battles before causing information technology to shatter with Sora swallowed by the darkness. Intent on finding Sora, Riku then uses the Kingdom Key to swoop deeper into Sora'southward dream and finds himself in a information projection of the Destiny Islands where he meets Ventus, Roxas, Xion, and a re-create Ansem the Wise who reveals that the defeat of the Armored Ventus Nightmare and Riku'south answering of the questions asked to him by Roxas, Ventus, and Xion have reawakened Sora.

Kingdom Hearts III

Sora falls into the Dive to the Middle with the appearance he had during the events ofKingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. A mirror appears and Sora sees himself every bit he is during the events ofKingdom Hearts Ii. Sora walks through the mirror and becomes his current self. The mirror disappears and a series of screens begin to float around the platform representing Sora's memories. Three screens in particular bladder in front of Sora : 1 of his battle with the Riku Replica owned by Ansem, some other of the appearance of Rex Mickey behind the Door to Darkness, and a third depicting the time Sora, Donald and Goofy first met. A voice asks Sora what he wants, the screens respectively representing vitality, wisdom and balance.

Subsequently Sora chooses 1, three more than screens appear illustrating Sora'southward duel against Roxas, his promise to Naminé and his reunion with the Dream Eaters. Each respectively represents a power, that of the guardian, the warrior and the mystic. After making his pick, Sora sees all the screens disappear. Sora looks down and notices that the platform has been covered with h2o, which seems to come from a light beyond the Dive to the Eye. Sora runs towards the light as a tidal moving ridge wash, taking him to the Final Earth.

Sora enters the Swoop to the Centre to wake upwards Ventus and save Aqua from Vanitas. By calling the Power of Waking with all his centre, since he had never really lost it, Sora is able to transform the epitome of his own pillar into that of Ventus, signaling that the center of Ventus was reunited with his body and woke upward from his comatose land. During a serial of events at the Keyblade Graveyard, later returning from the Final World, Sora enters a different dive using the Power of Waking. Stations covered by darkness serve equally portals to worlds from Kingdom Hearts Three where the Lich holds the hearts of Sora's friends in captivity.

Re Heed

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Other appearances

Super Nail Bros. Ultimate

Swoop to the Center appears equally part of the Hollow Bastion stage with the stage morphing into this location when stocks and/or time is low. It will randomly choose one of several pillars, from Sora, Riku, Roxas, Ventus, Terra, Xion and Aqua. 1 thing to note is that in Boom Ultimate is that if they featured Disney characters originally (those beingness Sora, Riku, Aqua, and Terra) they were changed to remove whatsoever direct Disney Stuff


Notes and references

  1. In {{subst:kh2}}, the Arrangement observes and comments upon Sora's boxing with Roxas on the Station of Awakening. In {{subst:cod}}, Data-Roxas appears before Data-Sora on the Station of Enkindling.


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